Romantic Seed Crackers

OK, so more hearts! Why? Because…love is crackers? But worth it? And love is a good base for other things, just like a good cracker?

Fine, fine, I’ll stop trying to use bad humour to justify another heart-shaped post. Truth be told, I was really just looking for another excuse to use the rather splendid copper biscuit cutter that I was given as a present back in November, and it does seem such a shame to use it only at Christmas. And so I’ve made my seed crackers, but this time with a bit of a romantic twist.


Of course this is not a new recipe – I first posted this about five years ago (five years ago!), but I think it is worth featuring again as it really is great. These are really double seed crackers – the simple dough (wholemeal and buckwheat flour, plus salt, oil and a dash of honey) is livened up with ground seeds, and then there are more on top for crunch and to give them some visual appeal. You could use whatever you like and/or have to hand, but I’ve used pumpkin, sesame, sunflower and poppy seeds.

If you make these, be prepared for “the alarming bit”. The poppy seeds and buckwheat flour make the dough a rather unappealing grey colour, but when they bake, the crackers take on this gorgeous conker-brown colour, making a handsome addition to a cheeseboard or any selection of dips.


If you’re feeling creative and really want to work a heart theme, you can also cut out toppings using your cutters – slices of cheese, pieces of vegetable or whatever else you want. Otherwise, just throw them in a bowl, and use them to scoop up obscene amounts of hummus!


For around 50 crackers (depends on size):

• 40g sesame seeds
• 30g pumpkin seeds
• 20g sunflower seeds
• 10g poppy seeds
• 120g wholewheat flour (spelt flour works too)
• 40g buckwheat flour
• 1/2 teaspoon sea salt, finely ground
• 2 teaspoons honey
• 2 tablespoons olive oil
• water, to bind
• egg white, to glaze
• seeds, to decorate

1. Preheat the oven to 150°C (300°F). Line a baking tray with baking parchment.

2. Mix all the seeds together, and blitz in a grinder until you have a fine powder. Don’t go too far, or they will become oily. The poppy seeds might stay whole, which is fine.

3. In a bowl, combine the ground seeds, flours, salt, honey and oil. Mix well.

4. Add enough water to make a dough (around 75-100ml, but it will vary depending on your flour). It should be smooth, but not sticky. Add more flour if needed.

5. Roll out the dough as thin as you can on a floured surface. Cut out the crackers (either use a cutter or cut with a knife or pizza cutter).

6. Brush each cracker with a little beaten egg white, and sprinkle over some seeds.

7. Bake for 15 minutes, or until the crackers become brown. Remove from the oven and transfer to a cooling rack. If you’re doing lots of different shapes and sizes, bake in batches of the same size to ensure they don’t burn.

Worth making? These are excellent! Quick to make, with delicious results.


Filed under Recipe, Savoury

10 responses to “Romantic Seed Crackers

  1. adam

    Reblogged this on adamandthechocolate and commented:
    love is in the belly

  2. love is crackers or anything you wish it to be.

  3. Reblogged this on Zara's Hungry and commented:
    We have been hit hard by the sick bug this week, following copious amounts of snow. Ugh. What a week. But these seed crackers made my day. Aren’t they pretty? And DELICIOUS! Make these-then check back tomorrow, I’ll have the BLT pizza post up. You don’t want to miss it!

  4. it seems so nice! thanks for sharing this recipe 🙂

  5. This looks so delicious! I love your blog 🙂

  6. Love these! I did something similiar to post on my blog, just as an excuse to finally get to use my heart cookie cutters! Except I went for a more unhealthy recipe! May try these for mothers day – thanks!

    • Thanks! I was toying with a few ideas, but I was trying to avoid pretty pink things. I’ve made these crackers before cutting them into squares, so I thought why not use the heart cutters? I served some up with drinks – I cut slices of cheese, then used the cutters to cut pieces of cheese the same size as the crackers. Slightly twee, but quite fun too!

  7. Love the mix of seeds you have used here

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